At West Hampstead Primary we use the Jenny Mosley* model of Golden Rules and Circle Time as a whole school approach to enhance self-esteem and positive behaviour and relationships within the school and beyond. All the children and adults are involved, and we hope that families too, adopt the same approach.


The Golden Rules are the key to the whole approach. They outline behaviours that show respect and caring towards one another and represent a moral code covering respect for myself, respect for others and respect for property. The Golden Rules are displayed in classrooms, corridors and throughout the school.


  • We are gentle
  • We are kind and helpful
  • We are honest
  • We work hard
  • We look after property
  • We listen to each other


Golden Time is a weekly timetabled slot of half an hour each week in which children are able to take part in an activity of their choice. If a child keeps the Golden Rules they automatically have a right to take part in their chosen activity.

If a child breaks a Golden Rule the sanction system begins with a visual ‘yellow card’ warning, which is placed beside the child. If they choose to continue to break a Golden Rule while the warning card is out they lose part of their Golden Time.

There are several benefits to Golden Time:

  • It upholds the Golden Rules and acts as an incentive for children to keep them.
  • It provides a safe framework as it demonstrates to children that there are immediate consequences for unacceptable behaviour.
  • It ensures that children who always follow the Golden Rules are continually acknowledged and rewarded.


Circle Time is a class meeting which involves the whole class sitting in a circle once a week to look at issues relating to personal, social and moral education. These meetings aim to encourage the development of positive relationships, self-discipline, conflict resolution, assertive communication and democratic group processes alongside the skills of speaking, listening, observing, thinking and concentrating.

*Jenny Mosley’s website can be found at: